Sunday, October 30, 2005

Geek Cooks: Easy Desserts for Everybody...

I am rather (in-) famous for my culinary skills. So when I volunteered to prepare desserts for guests this weekend, it was rather challenging for me. To meet the challenge, I had to look into to pri-mate instincts...

[Snip! Black & White Documentary style]
Homo-sapeian aka us humans are most disabled species on earth... Physically i.e. We lack the furriness of a polar bear which would saves us from the withering cold. Yet, the human species survived the ice age.

The human species lacks sharp teeth or claws of now extinict Sabre-tooth, yet the primitive man managed to hunt and eat meat.

Luck? Somewhat. But the real thing, we innovate...:D

That is the reason for survival from ice age to today.

[Snip! Back to life today... present day modern kitchen. Credit for of this stuff above : NPR program on WABE 90.1 FM - Infinite Mind]

Anyway, I needed to innovate, with the "limited" resource in my hand. I choose to assemble. (Henry Ford would have turned in his grave, if heard this). Here is what I came up with...

Pineapple-Banana Split with grape topping
(Test-tasted using Eddie's Hand churned Chocolate ice-cream and Reena's Mango Ice-cream)


  1. Churned Chocolate Ice cream (I did not make it, it just happened to be at home)
    or Mango Ice cream (Another ice cream variety that was in hand)
  2. Banana (half)
  3. Pine apple slices (Canned from any store)
  4. Red Grape (1 piece)


  1. Cut the banana into half and split the banana in the middle.
  2. Place it in the serving dish, usually would be desert bowl as a V-shape.
    (V as in victory and that is what we plan for with our dessert lovers)
  3. Drop in couple of scoops of ice-cream in the space between the V - banana split.
  4. Take the pineapple slice and cut into half.
  5. Drop the slices around the scoop.
  6. Place the red grape on the top of scoop.

And there....:)

An fully assembled geeky banana-pineapple split with grape topping and ice cream of your choice.

My fellow humans... and beyond... ENJOY!!!

~~~ Cooking

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