Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Sponge-worthy: Consulting Tips from Carl Pritchard

To an unassuming onlooker, Carl Pritchard would be a ordinary soul, working his 9-5 shift in a big city air conditioned office. Until, you happen to hear him speak.

I had that opportunity last night (Monday - July 17, 2006) at dinner for PMI Atlanta Chapter at Hotel Crown Plaza.

The topic of discussion was - "How to be a better consultant ?" Seemingly boring topic, but with Carl at the microphone, time seemed to keep flying and the audience still seems to be wanting more.

Tying it with examples from his own experiences, he brought out the following salient points:

  • A good consultant always has a "TOOL KIT". A tool kit include high value credentials - such as PMP, MSCD, Sun certified and ways to add visibility such as website or a blog, publishing articles in trade magazine and speaking in conferences.

    Having been in the media business, prior to making a transition into management he hinted that August is usually the "slow" month and publishers and editors often ponder about taking out a August issue...:)

    For certifications, Carl mentioned that he was one of early adopters of the EVMP (Earned Value Management Professional) certification, which allows him access to exclusive government projects.

    Some other ways to get noticed - weekly/monthly newsletters and best customer awards.

  • A good consultant acts like "SPONGE". The important characteristic - not only easily absorb information but just as easily share that information.

  • A good consultant "KNOWS HIS/HER WORTH". If you are working for a consulting company, helpful to have good "relationship" with the accountant. The chances are that you may be in for a "sticker shock" learning what the company charges for your time!

    Important things to consider while setting the price - Prep time, Years of experience, credentials and on going support.

  • A good consultant realizes that - "MEETINGS MAKE OR BREAK CAREERS". Treat every meeting as important meetings. Show up on time and take efforts to forge relationships. Set expectations early on, in the meeting.

    Jobs and profiles may come and go, relationships last.

  • A good consultant use CONFORMITY to his/her advantage. The consultants should not try to be so different such that it takes attention away from what they are doing.

  • A good consultant should approach his/her work with lot of "ZEAL, ENTHUSIASM, INTENSITY AND FOCUS".

    Carl remarked to the audience when was the last time did they heard a project manager talk about Work Breakdown Struture (WBS) with any perkiness.

  • A good consultant "ASKS FOR FAVORS". This is not to take advantages of others, but in fact to make the person being asked, feel NEEDED.

  • A good consultant offers "HONEST EMPATHY AND RESPECT". These are specifically helpful in building relationship and trust.

    Take real life examples, Carl cited that there are lot of times at work, when a person may approach you and ask, if you had minute to talk, the first thoughts are - "Oh, Oh here goes couple of hours..."

    Instead, the recommended approach is to give the person the full attention. Try to NOT TO MULTI-TASK. In fact, if you are front of a PC, turn off the monitor or/and place the phone of the hook, if possible.

  • A good consultant "CHOOSES A SPOKESPERSON", if s/he is not the best person to market her/his skills and experience.

  • Finally, a good consultant always tries to add "VALUE" and renders a "COMMITMENT TO DELIVER."


There is no "I" in TEAM, but there is always a "ME"

Hope you folks out there enjoyed reading this BLOG entry, as much enjoyed writing it and listening to Carl Pritchard.

For more information about Carl Pritchard and Pritchard Management Associates, visit - www.carlpritchard.com

On a side note, Carl also mentioned he was consultant who was available at cost of a e-mail and he tries to respond every e-mail within 24 hours.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Techie, Techier, Techiest article.